The Goody’s – everest Group of Companies was created in 2011 as a result of the merger of Goody’s SA & everest SA, two dynamic well established companies with a great history in the Greek market. This merger has resulted in the creation of an undisputed leader in the Greek foodservice market, that capitalizes on the combined expertise of people and networks. Following the merger, the Group has engaged in an aggressive reorganization plan, that included the rebranding of major brands, Goody’s & Flocafe, as well as the renovation of the extensive everest network.
- 1965 Explore milestone
- 1975 Explore milestone
- 1980 Explore milestone
- 1981 Explore milestone
- 1990 Explore milestone
- 1994 Explore milestone
- 1999 Explore milestone
- 2001 Explore milestone
- 2002 Explore milestone
- 2006 Explore milestone
- 2008 Explore milestone
- 2011 Explore milestone
- 2014 Explore milestone
- 2015 Explore milestone
- 2016 Explore milestone
- 2017 Explore milestone
- 2018 Explore milestone
- 2019 Explore milestone
The first two restaurants open in Thessaloniki
Hellenic Catering becomes the official supplier of Goody’s
First restaurant in Athens
Goody’s SA launches the brand “Flocafe”
Goody’s enters the Athens Stock Exchange Market
Delta Holdings acquires Goody’s
Goody’s becomes part of the Vivartia Group of Companies
The first everest store opens in downtown Athens
Establishment of everest SA
everest enters the Athens Stock Exchange Market
everest acquires “La Pasteria”
everest acquires Olympic Catering
Opening of “Kuzina” restaurant
everest becomes part of the Vivartia Group of Companies
The merger of the two companies results in the creation of the Vivartia Food Service Group
Rebranding of 2 major brands results in the launch of “Goody’s Burger House” and “Flocafe Espresso Room”
everest proceeds in total store and communication redesign
The aggressive international expansion plan leads Goody’s Burger House in Australia and Flocafe Espresso Room in the UK.
The VFS Group in cooperation with Fraport Greece upgrades its presence in major airports in Greece
Launch of Italian Snacking Concept “Forno Luca”
The Group acquires forky and launches two new concepts, It’s All Greek & Bistro dei Cavalieri
Establishment of 12 new POS in 5 different Greek airports
Goody’s enters the Athens Stock Exchange Market
everest proceeds in total store and communication redesign